Thursday, July 28, 2011

Imma be Hench!

OMG! I couldn't be bothered to post anything yesterday, and I'm annoyed with my self for not doing it because I've only been here a few days and I don't want to get used to skipping days because,' I was too tired' or 'I felt ill.' Damn if I'm ill and puking up crazy sh*te, you Guys'll be the first to know!

So yesterday, I started going to the gym on the base. it's going to be a daily thing, so for like an hour and a half every day, I'll go up to there, run a couple laps, use some weights, drink some water, then play some racket ball... So far, I'm doing alright. I haven't started to feel it yet, so I don't think I'm pushing hard enough but I'm sure I will do...

I lied earlier, I said I'm going everyday, and so far, I have done. But... When I go to my dads I can't actually get to the gym, because I go up there with my Mum, so I have this little swivel bored that I'm going to take with me for when ever I go to his place... That'll be me, stood on it infront of the TV just working on getting a nice tum! Haha! And now he'll have a go at me saying I don't need to, blah blah blah! Hey Dad! I do!

Hmm... I have nothing left to say...

Sophie Eleonore. xx

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