Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sam's Home...

Well... Sam's home and it's hard to forget! I told him I was writing a blog, and so as soon as I got off the computer, he was straight on making his own... Turns out, he'd already made one, a couple of months ago. So he started getting all smart arsey with me, saying I copied him and everything... But hey! He'd forgotten and I'd never seen him on it, so I'm in the clear.

He has been in France on a school trip the past week. Our, well his, school (my old school) always take the year 7's on a five day trip to France where they go to Park Asterix and the Eiffel Tower and all the touristy things like that, so the house has been real quite whilst he's been away! Haha! We are always fighting and everything, but we're brother and sister, that's what we do! Though if he has trouble in school, I'm always the first asking questions. I have my ways of finding out if he's in trouble (teacher wise or student wise) and if the older kids have been provoking him, I top them. Sisterly love... BLERGH! I have to.

No one else is gunna pic on my little brother but me.

So as the weather has been warming up recently (though today was the first 'hot' day we've had in a while) I've been using our trampoline a hell of a lot more. I get my phone, my headphones, turn my music up loud and rock out to some music. It's like a workout/party in my head kinda thing. Its REAL fun! You just chuck on a song that you know quite well (or one you don't that makes it funny) and just dance/bounce to it. I get funny looks from my family when I do though... Sometimes they don't realise i have my headphones in, so it just looks like I'm spasming randomly on there! But hell, I'm crazy anyway!

Oh yeah! Sam... He wants me to do this like 'Shout Out' thingy for him so, if your reading this, check out his page(s). (He didn't realise you could post more than once on a blog... Bless Him) Check Out His Page Here!

This is going to be his page from now on, so if you want to see his other pages message him. (: He young, and writes about some random stuff! But it's good. So check it out!

Well... I'm not sure what else to write about... thats possibly the extent of my afternoon... NO! WAIT! JUJU! Okay!... Juju, is the guy who looks after all the kids while you're on the french trip. He is amazing, he is so funny and he is pretty epic! I used to eat breakfast with him every morning while i was in France, There were eight of us, sat on the one table with him, it was cool. Yeah... Haha!

Anyways! I'm out!
Sophie Eleonore. xx

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