So... I said weekly, but so much has happened I though, naah, I think I might just have to write again sooner!
Who would have thought it?! It is actually sunny here, and not just like, 'Oh, Hey sun... Now can you make this hot?' its really really sunny, and so hot that i just had to tie my hose pipe to the tree, drag the trampoline underneath it and have a bit of a bounce! And it wasn't freezing! It was so refreshing! I wish all of British summer was like this!
Who would have thought it?! It is actually sunny here, and not just like, 'Oh, Hey sun... Now can you make this hot?' its really really sunny, and so hot that i just had to tie my hose pipe to the tree, drag the trampoline underneath it and have a bit of a bounce! And it wasn't freezing! It was so refreshing! I wish all of British summer was like this!
I was telling mum and Chris about me writing a blog, and they were saying I should write some of this in a word document, still in like blog form and everything, and get it all published as a book... They said, 'Don't write all of it and publish it online... Just put some online, like a bit of a taster for people...' I'm not sure if I want to do that... Because then it wouldn't really be a blog would it...?
Do you guys think you'd want to buy my 'Blog Book'? I'm not sure if it'd be a hit or not? I mean, there is an obvious plot line and everything! It would be about the big move... England to America...
Writing a book seems like a lot of effort... I mean, Im a teenager, not going to lie or anything, but I would quite easily get bored of writing a book... I've tried it before and it kinda failed... I wrote may-be two chapters and got bored... Haha! It seems like I'm writing a school essay, and when ever I go back and read over things, they never seem to fit together quite right... I'm no way going to be the next J.K Rowling!
So this afternoon, Me, Mum and Chris all went Geo-Caching. (I think thats how you spell it... (I'm not the greatest speller in the world!)) And it is pretty much where you go onto their website and get the co-ordinates of a geo-cache. Sometimes these thing can be huge, sometimes they are tiny! And you have to find them. They have a little log book in them, sometimes (in the smaller ones) this is just a rolled up peice of paper, and you write down the date you found it, and the name of your group. We found 6 i think, were were looking for a seventh but we couldn't find it any where... Thats where they are now. They went back out to find it, i was on the trampoline still when they left... Sometimes it can be quite fun, if you do it in a new place, but this time we went to a village 2 mins down the road from us, so i'd seen it all before and it was a bit boring... And because of the heat, I got really thirsty! I dragged them both into the pub so we could buy a coke!
But now we are back on the subject of the weather, I can pretty much garantee, it'll be cold and rainy and windy again tomorrow... COME ON! I live in England for crying out loud! Summer only lasts one day.
We'll find out tomorrow...
Sophie Eleonore. xx
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