Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's Here.

It's here. The moment I have been dreading the longest has arrived. I had to give my laptop back to the school today, so now I have to walk to the library every time I want to check facebook, or write a blog. The blogging is fine, and hour every evening, but I'm a hopeless facebook addict, so I'm going to start having withdrawal symptoms. Oh well. I guess its just something I'm going to have to get used to...

Today was my last day in school till August/September time. I love it, I'm so super excited, freakishly long summer holiday here I am! Whoop! My friends bought a pizza for us to eat at lunch today, and a box of cans of soda, and we all ate under the tree. Which is the first place we all at lunch together. It bought back old memories. Quentin made a toast to all the good times and made me cry. But I know I'm going to see them all again. I have Dragonfest to go to!

I made the stupid mistake of forgetting to pack my extra battery for my school laptop, so now mum and Chris have to pay for a replacement one... On top of that, they have to pay for my Dragonfest shirt too because one of the teachers bought it for me because I kept forgetting to take the money in for it... Whoopsie! Oh well, at least now I have another memo of Alco High School to go along with my giant foam finger from the first Football game I watched. Ahaha!

Everything is gone from my mind. I was thinking about what to write when I walked over and- I remembered. 12 Kingdoms. I'm hooked on this anime show. Its pretty good, all in Japanese, I have to read the sub titles, but I don't care. Its a pretty good show. You guys should watch it, I'm on the eighth episode right now. There are like 60-something. I have to watch them again when I'm in the states, but knowing my luck, I will forget about them and it'll be horrible.

Well yeah, I'm now awkwardly sat in the library, staring at the screen trying to remember what I was going to type about again... Urmmm... How about another how I'm feeling about the move? Yes...? No...? Well, You aren't going to be able to answer till I finish and publish this, so... Yes.

I'm super excited. But fed up of it all at the same time right now. I just want it over and done with. I want to be in America, looking for some decent food. In my shorts. And my tank top. Without worrying about dying from frost bite...  Though in saying that, it has been really nice lately. So I'm happy with that. But its never going to reach 35 degrees in England! Lets face it!

That seems like a decent amount to be able to publish now. Later!
Sophie Eleonore. xx