Thursday, May 03, 2012

Fuck Men.

Fuck men. Fuck boys. Fuck the male race completely. I just cannot be bothered with guys right now, at all! I mean, if you are going to dump me, at least tell me. Don't just change your relationship status on Facebook and wait for me to log on and find out myself. I mean, what did I do to deserve that? I stayed up late every night to get the chance to chat to you. I got up early every morning for the same reason. But no. Apparently I don't deserve an explanation, or even a message. Pathetic.

Do you know what else really pisses me off? When people don't tell me things I need to know. Like if you are going to take me out to get something right after school, tell me. Especially if you know I normally stay after to practice band pieces. I turn my phone off normally in school, so calling me isn't going to work. Well, I guess I'm leaving it on from now on otherwise you might forget to let me know things in advance.

Yesterday was a pretty shitty day for me. Can you tell? Yeah, I got dumped silently, got taken out to get something that I can't actually use! And cried about 3 bucket loads. Yeah. Shit, I know. 

I wish I could tell people things though, about me. Nothing bad, just things I wish I could talk about, but I can't. Again, nothing bad (aimed at you dad, I know you're reading this). Actually anybody reading this, don't freak out! I'm completely fine, most of you know it anyway. But some people don't, and I like it this way. Don't call me if you have my number, if you don't know now, I'll tell you in my own way. Chill out. 

Anyway, I just got in from school and have a bunch of homework...
Sophie Eleonore. xx

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm, to many "f**k's for my liking, not all males are bad, are they??? I always try to arrange things beforehand with you; so are you going to be able to come and stay with me and Cathy before you leave for the USA, lots of family would like to see you and Sam before you go.

    Love ya loads sweetheart. XX
