Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Again with the Weather (My 24)

So, after the freaky fog, it got super nice and hot again. Lurveley! This afternoon we went to Howick Hall to meet Nans friend Julia. She was lovely and chatty, bought us all afternoon tea in the hall. Banana milkshake and another scone hit it up in my belly. God! I eat so much junk!

Once we'd strolled around the gardens, we went to a little cove thing, it was cute, we had a wander round. When that was finished, we drove back to Julia's and she said she'd take us to a spa! Not really a spa though, just a pool. With a hot tub, sauna and steam room... It was fun though, we had a laugh.

On the drive home we stopped for chips! They were five minutes out from closing. (Bloody chippy's shutting at nine!) We drove back along the coastal road and saw the barn owl again. Stopped at the base of Bamburgh Castle to eat the chips. Now we're home and I'm in bed.

Hand cramping!
SophieEleonore. xx

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