Thursday, July 28, 2011

Imma be Hench!

OMG! I couldn't be bothered to post anything yesterday, and I'm annoyed with my self for not doing it because I've only been here a few days and I don't want to get used to skipping days because,' I was too tired' or 'I felt ill.' Damn if I'm ill and puking up crazy sh*te, you Guys'll be the first to know!

So yesterday, I started going to the gym on the base. it's going to be a daily thing, so for like an hour and a half every day, I'll go up to there, run a couple laps, use some weights, drink some water, then play some racket ball... So far, I'm doing alright. I haven't started to feel it yet, so I don't think I'm pushing hard enough but I'm sure I will do...

I lied earlier, I said I'm going everyday, and so far, I have done. But... When I go to my dads I can't actually get to the gym, because I go up there with my Mum, so I have this little swivel bored that I'm going to take with me for when ever I go to his place... That'll be me, stood on it infront of the TV just working on getting a nice tum! Haha! And now he'll have a go at me saying I don't need to, blah blah blah! Hey Dad! I do!

Hmm... I have nothing left to say...

Sophie Eleonore. xx

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


We went down to the beach today! Well, we went down to Fakenham to visit my Nanna (and Peter (her hubby)). But we went down to Wells for the afternoon. Its a really pretty, sandy beach, with a pine wood right next to it. Its a brilliant day out, with the town and all the pretty beach houses... And the ice-cream!

In the pine woods there is like this sand hill thing, and there is a big pine tree growing out of it. Its not a small hill, its quite well sized, but someone magaed to climb this hilll (which is easy) but then climb this tree. Hold rope. They made a rope swing on the top of this hill, so you can run off the side of it and swing back again, its such a buzz considering you go out over some real prickly bushes and shizzle at the bottom.

Lets get high on rope swings!

My Nan was trying to get pictures of us in mid swing, but our camera is trippy and so it kept taking late, and cutting our heads off. Thats dicapitating right...? I dunno. Haha! The people in the beach Cafe are really generous with ice-cream, get a large and they give you sh*t louds! Its like,'WOAH! I ordered a large ice-cream... Not Mount Everest in a tub!'

So, I sent the link for this to a bunch of my friends to get their opinions on things, and one, ONE person has checked this out and gotten back to me. Sam T. Heey Sam! This is funny, because what you guys don't know is I'm talking to him on Facebook chat right now, and we just had a fight. He stole my display picture!. How could someone do that! Now I can't tell what I'm saying in our conversation and what he is! Its like, 'LOL! Thats so funny and it fits just right with what I just said, no... Wait, I made that joke and he said the first bit... What?!'

Jesus Sam! You confuzzle me!

I'm dying my hair tomorrow. Its like a sort light brown dark blond colour... I would prefer black but... 'That's too dark!' Silly mum. Thats the point.

Catch y'all later!
Sophie Eleonore. xx

Monday, July 25, 2011

-.- Really?!

P*ssed off big time right now. So, I just finished burning all my old school sh*te up, took a bunch of pictures for you guys to see, and Chris has gone, and fricking deleted them all. Just go to put them up on the computer and find out! What the hell! He knew I was doing that for my blog?!

Sophie Eleonore. xx


I've said it before... I think...? I'm on my summer holidays now! Yaay! And that means that I've got all the past years school books just sat in a pile at the foot of my bed, and I haven't got anywhere to put them, I don't particualrly want to keep them...

'Yes... So, as a souviner of school, I kept my Math, Science, English, French, German, R.E, History and Georgraphy books. NOT!'

Who would do that?! Not me. Though, I'm not saying thats a bad thing, especially if your just about to take your GCSE's (finals). They're probably a good thing to keep for like, revision and sh*t like that... Buuuut... I don't need them, What with me changing from and English school to an American one, The exam's are going to be different and everything aren't they?

I guess you guys are probably wondering why this is titled 'Burn!' then? Well, considering I have no room for them, and I'm not planning on keeping them, I'm going to stick 'em in the fire pit and introduce them to a little thing I like to call LIGHTER FLUID. Mwahahaha!

Yeaah... Tonight's gunna be fun... I'll take some pictures to show you guys... I have a feeling Science is gunna light up! Haha! We should have a nice little fire rockin' tonight actually... Considering the number of school books we get given!

There isn't anything worth telling you guys now... Unless you want to hear about the secret Garden Party taking over Tesco's. All the people who've been up there the past few days were all stocking up their food supplies in Tesco's right as we were up there. It was... smelly! Haha!

Update y'all later!
Sophie Eleonore. xx

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sam's Home...

Well... Sam's home and it's hard to forget! I told him I was writing a blog, and so as soon as I got off the computer, he was straight on making his own... Turns out, he'd already made one, a couple of months ago. So he started getting all smart arsey with me, saying I copied him and everything... But hey! He'd forgotten and I'd never seen him on it, so I'm in the clear.

He has been in France on a school trip the past week. Our, well his, school (my old school) always take the year 7's on a five day trip to France where they go to Park Asterix and the Eiffel Tower and all the touristy things like that, so the house has been real quite whilst he's been away! Haha! We are always fighting and everything, but we're brother and sister, that's what we do! Though if he has trouble in school, I'm always the first asking questions. I have my ways of finding out if he's in trouble (teacher wise or student wise) and if the older kids have been provoking him, I top them. Sisterly love... BLERGH! I have to.

No one else is gunna pic on my little brother but me.

So as the weather has been warming up recently (though today was the first 'hot' day we've had in a while) I've been using our trampoline a hell of a lot more. I get my phone, my headphones, turn my music up loud and rock out to some music. It's like a workout/party in my head kinda thing. Its REAL fun! You just chuck on a song that you know quite well (or one you don't that makes it funny) and just dance/bounce to it. I get funny looks from my family when I do though... Sometimes they don't realise i have my headphones in, so it just looks like I'm spasming randomly on there! But hell, I'm crazy anyway!

Oh yeah! Sam... He wants me to do this like 'Shout Out' thingy for him so, if your reading this, check out his page(s). (He didn't realise you could post more than once on a blog... Bless Him) Check Out His Page Here!

This is going to be his page from now on, so if you want to see his other pages message him. (: He young, and writes about some random stuff! But it's good. So check it out!

Well... I'm not sure what else to write about... thats possibly the extent of my afternoon... NO! WAIT! JUJU! Okay!... Juju, is the guy who looks after all the kids while you're on the french trip. He is amazing, he is so funny and he is pretty epic! I used to eat breakfast with him every morning while i was in France, There were eight of us, sat on the one table with him, it was cool. Yeah... Haha!

Anyways! I'm out!
Sophie Eleonore. xx

I Love Summer in England... It's My Favourite Day of the Year.

So... I said weekly, but so much has happened I though, naah, I think I might just have to write again sooner!

Who would have thought it?! It is actually sunny here, and not just like, 'Oh, Hey sun... Now can you make this hot?' its really really sunny, and so hot that i just had to tie my hose pipe to the tree, drag the trampoline underneath it and have a bit of a bounce! And it wasn't freezing! It was so refreshing! I wish all of British summer was like this!

I was telling mum and Chris about me writing a blog, and they were saying I should write some of this in a word document, still in like blog form and everything, and get it all published as a book... They said, 'Don't write all of it and publish it online... Just put some online, like a bit of a taster for people...' I'm not sure if I want to do that... Because then it wouldn't really be a blog would it...?

Do you guys think you'd want to buy my 'Blog Book'? I'm not sure if it'd be a hit or not? I mean, there is an obvious plot line and everything! It would be about the big move... England to America...

Writing a book seems like a lot of effort... I mean, Im a teenager, not going to lie or anything, but I would quite easily get bored of writing a book... I've tried it before and it kinda failed... I wrote may-be two chapters and got bored... Haha! It seems like I'm writing a school essay, and when ever I go back and read over things, they never seem to fit together quite right... I'm no way going to be the next J.K Rowling!

So this afternoon, Me, Mum and Chris all went Geo-Caching. (I think thats how you spell it... (I'm not the greatest speller in the world!)) And it is pretty much where you go onto their website and get the co-ordinates of a geo-cache. Sometimes these thing can be huge, sometimes they are tiny! And you have to find them. They have a little log book in them, sometimes (in the smaller ones) this is just a rolled up peice of paper, and you write down the date you found it, and the name of your group. We found 6 i think, were were looking for a seventh but we couldn't find it any where... Thats where they are now. They went back out to find it, i was on the trampoline still when they left... Sometimes it can be quite fun, if you do it in a new place, but this time we went to a village 2 mins down the road from us, so i'd seen it all before and it was a bit boring... And because of the heat, I got really thirsty! I dragged them both into the pub so we could buy a coke!

But now we are back on the subject of the weather, I can pretty much garantee, it'll be cold and rainy and windy again tomorrow... COME ON! I live in England for crying out loud! Summer only lasts one day.

We'll find out tomorrow...
Sophie Eleonore. xx

Saturday, July 23, 2011

So... This is me.

Hell! To be honest, I haven't got a clue what I'm doing... I watched this movie (The Pefect Man) where the girl writes a blog about her life. She moves around a lot, because of her mum and she pretty much writes an online journal about the places she moves to and everything... So I thought, thats a pretty good idea! I might try it, see where it takes me... But I don't know if I'm doing this right, hehe, so lets see...

So, may-be i should fill you guys in. My name is Sophie, I'm 14 years old, and I live in Cambridgeshire, England. I have a younger brother, Sam, 12. My mum and dad got divorced about three years ago now, and both of them have met new people, and these guys aren't bad! Mum got drunk with one of her friends this one time and signed up to It was really funny! She put down that her ideal man would be a 3ft tall dwarf with not hair and black eyes... And she met Chris! (Though let me tell you, he isn't three foot tall, he doesn't have black eyes, but his hair is cut really short!) Chris isn't quite. Or polite. He loves his music LOUD.  And they really hit it off! Me and Sam love him! He is brilliant, always making all of us laugh! He introdued me to rock. Him and my really close friend, also named Chris... Coincidence!

My dad had it rough... When my mum kicked him out he had to live in his caravan in the front of my uncles garden for a while... Which wasn't that bad... My uncle has a HUGE garden... Honestly, The river Emma runs through the bottom of it! But after a while, especially with English weather, it got too cold and hard for him, so he got a flat/job. I say this because it was kind of a deal thing... You can stay here, if you do this for us. He lived in the top of the pub. And every nnight, and some afternoons, he'd open the pub up for a couple hours and earn his way... He met this one gall, Candice, they were together may-be three months, but it didn't last... Then he met Cathy! She is lovely! She is quite short, ginger hair, had quite a rough time with her last husband, but lets not get into that! She loves cooking, and her three daughters, Sarah, Lisa and Emma are all really nice and me and Sam get on really well with them all!

Now, mum and chris were together two 1/2 years, then they got married! Me and Macala (Chris' eldest daughter) were brides maids and Mike (Chris' eldest) was the best man. Acacia decide she didn't want to come and stay for a month for the wedding because she didn't want to leave her boyfriend behind... So we were all really gutted and to be quite honest a bit pissed off... But don't think that she's a bad person, she really isn't, just pushed the wrong buttons that one time! And i don't want to start this off with you all thinking that she's a bad person! She is Chris' youngest by the way.

I can't think of anything else to say about those guys right now, but I am tired, it is ten past eleven at night so, don't judge! I guess it's back to me then? Shame! I know right!(; I just finished my third and final year at Sawtry College. Next year I start High School, on the American Base. Oh yeah, Chris is American. Im moving, form rainy, cold Cambridgeshire... To Colorado, USA. One extreme to the other. Supprise! That is why I bought up The Perfact Man at the start, she moved around America, but im moving around the world! Same difference, I know, but still! Its such an adventure! Though I hated saying good bye to all my amazing friends, I'll make some new ones on the base (which is so much closer to my house, so i should be able to see them all outside of school really easily) then, AMERICA! Wow, how many people do this?! Not many, I can bet!

So yeah... We (my mum, brother and I) are all completely buzzing for this! We will have scorching summers, up in the mountains! Then freezing winters, down under the snow drifts! The town I really want to move to is a tiny little one way up there, 14,000 feet I think,  is called 'Green Moutain Falls' the name tells you just how pretty this place is! there is a little lake, with an island, and a little bridge so you can walk out to the island which has a gazebo on it... Oh! The pictures are so pretty! Yeah... i've never been there, but I'm going in October, to see Colorado for the first time! I was gutted when mum said we couldn't go to Louisiana, because thats where I had my hopes set on, but ahh well, Colorado gets snow! And lots of it!

Anyway you guys, the room is starting to spin, I think I need some sleep! Haha! I guess i should keep ya'll updated, may-be tell you a bit more about the move..? Yeah? May-be some other time, I'm thinking I'll update you guys weekly, may-be get sooner as the move gets closer? Ideas please?

Catch ya later!
Sophie Eleonore. xx