Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm Trying So Hard Now!

So... Hey Again! Guess who is trying super hard to update extra regularly for missing so long...? That's right! Lil' old me! Even though I'm not that little, not that old, but I'm sure as can be, me. Deal with it.

I'm in a surprisingly good mood at the moment, its great. I've just been on my trampoline for the first time in FOREVER. and I love it! going to be my thing every night again soon... If I can sort all my homework out. Not long left now though! Two months in England! Wow! Only 30 days left in school before I have the month off to prepare my escape over seas. I don't think of it as an escape. I'm going to miss England so much. But when you've always wanted to travel... You want to get out there as early as possible!

Teachers just love to pile up the homework on the first few days back, don't they! Today I got given two packets, one essay, a speech, a set of notes and a Venn diagram to complete by Thursday. That's an awful lot of work to do! Thankfully the essay will be really easy and I did all of the notes and half the Venn diagram in class. Just leaves the packets to do and I should be able to do those and the essay in seminar tomorrow if I buckle down and work hard on it... Who am I kidding! I'll be doing those at midnight tomorrow!

School is still so tiring, I come home on the first bus, get something to eat, then try not to fall asleep before dinner! It's so difficult, by Friday I'm going to be dying! However, on Friday I get to do something I've wanted to do for AGES! I'm going back to Sawtry Community College and visiting all my old friends! Then Saturday, hopefully one of my Brits will be spending the night! She'll be late, or she will cancel last second, but oh well, at least I have something planned! 

Running out of things to say now! What is this! I never shut up! Ever, and right now when I need something to say... Nothing, can't think of a single bloody thing! Communism. Pure communism. 

I have a field trip next Tuesday... 

I have the day off next Wednesday...

I'm done now I can't think of anything else to say...
Sophie Eleonore. xx

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