Monday, April 30, 2012

Band Class

Hey there guys! Nice to know you're reading this again, and if its your first time, welcome! Today was pretty eventful for me and I'll explain why! Then for some more 'How I'm Felling' to do with the move! 

Well my first class today was Honours - World History. In this class we revised the chapter and were given time to work on our own stuff. Wasn't the most interesting lesson, but I remembered I hadn't finished my Science homework, and finished it ready for class at the end of the day.

Then we had Honours - World Literature. My least favourite class just actually got fun today! We are reading 'Romeo and Juliet,' boring as hell! But we get to act it out in table groups, and we can edit it. So we were all making them funny and messing around. Some people even modernized it. Instead of saying 'Come hither, coward!' people had been saying 'Come at me, bro!' It was hilarious!

Then there was Band Class. Oh. My. God. We (me and a few other specific people) have been working our butts off, trying our hardest to learn these pieces. However, holding us back are a few people who cannot be bothered to practice. They sit there and play everything out of time, out of tune and out of tone. So we sound horrible. The only parts that sound good, are the parts that they don't play in! 

Now they are all saying that it isn't their fault that we are getting yelled at for not playing properly. When they can't be bothered to even count out the time so they come in at the right point! Its really not that difficult. I understand people have their highs and lows, but coming in on the second beat of a four:four bar, isn't as difficult as it sounds! It doesn't even sound difficult if you know music, and if you don't, its not hard. I promise you.

I'm finished ranting now! Just had to get that out!
Sophie Eleonore. xx

Saturday, April 28, 2012

New Record!

So, we broke a record for me today, 30 page views has been achieved. In a grand total of seven different countries! You guys have no idea how happy this makes me! Thank you all so much!

A lot of you are probably thinking, only 300? Wooow... But this is one of those stupid things that will make my week, so thank you so much, and PS if you're reading this, you've probably added more veiws on, cheers again!

I love you all!
Sophie Eleonore. xx

JC At Grandads!

I'm in Derbyshire at the moment! Visiting my Grandad and his wifey Chrissie! We've done lots and have lots planned to do as well! I'm writing this to pass some time quickly as I'm waiting for Jacob to come online once he gets home... Was looking through the new layout and found the page that shows you where people are when they read blogs. Russia and Brazil are highlighted! Wow! I didn't realise this had gone so far! Thanks guys!

Back to my weekend so far! It's been great, we went for a bike ride today down to a pub on the canal, its a ten mile round trip. Five there, and five back. Coming back after a meal was the worst part, the first half anyway! I was so stuffed from eating fish and chips that I just couldn't be bothered to bike back, so I was walking, then Chrissie got a flat tyre! So she took my bike and went back home with Sam and Grandad and I walked the four remaining miles home. It passed quickly though, as I started blabbing about books and stuff!

Weird little fact about me. I love to read. If I get given a good book I will start reading it and I will not stop reading until I have drained every last bit of information from it. I will ring it dry. I get like that with a lot of books. Black Beauty, TrueBlood, The Hungar Games... And, my all time favourite, Lord of the Flies. Which is why I was so happy when we got to read it for school second quarter!

I'm getting off track again! Supposed to be writing about the things I did today! Well, I suppose I don't have to be, it isn't like I specifically have to write about this. But I guess I sorta want to. I was also thinking earlier. I started this to write about how things change as I move to America, but I haven't really been saying much about that. So I'm going to start writing a bit every blog (if I remember) about how I'm feeling toward it!

Now I can't remember what I did today... Great, let me think about it a minute...

Oh yeah! Chrissie and Grandad love to make thier own wine, and this year they are making Dandelion wine! So when we got in, we played a quick game of 'Postcards from America' and headed outside to pick some dandelions! We did get some funny looks and had to explain to a few people what we were doing, but it was worth it! When we came in we bottled some finished wine, and started dinner. We had pasta, sausages, broccoli and chips! It was rather delicious. Then we watched a movie. Memoirs of an Invisable Man. It was really good. Made us all laugh bunches!

While Grandad was checking the snooker after, I noticed he had Lord of the Flies recorded. So I told him we had to watch it tomorrow, so we are getting up early so we can watch it before we go out for breakfast in the morning. I love the movie, its so great, I think it gets the book almost perfectly! Its honestly amazing. Easily in my top movies close to 'The Patriot,' 'Apollo 13' and 'The Princess and the Frog.' I love them all!

So, how am I feeling about the move at the moment? I'm really excited! I have under 20 days left in school, and even though that means I have a LOT of homework, I couldn't care less! It seems almost dreamlike at the moment. I keep thinking there is going to be a huge BANG and I'm going to wake up to find it's all a dream. (Or rather a nightmare, no sane person has a dream where they get 15 shots in one year, plus having blood taken.) However, I am extremely excited, I can't wait to move into housing on the base, to take my finals, to start watching the packers put all our things in boxes and haul them away! Its going to be stressful, yes, but amazing!

Jacob... We've harldy spoken the past few days. Both of us have been extremely tired by the time the other has gotten online and we miss each other by like twenty minutes. I felt terrible when I took a power nap and didn't wake up. Then I slept through my morning alarm and lost more valuable time talking to him. Though, we skyped each other the other morning, it was great to get to see him... I honeslty miss him so much at the moment, I can't wait till I go to Colorado and get to see him!

I'm off to stare at my chat bar now, till he comes online.
Sophie Eleonore. xx

Monday, April 23, 2012

Harry Potter Studio Tour, London

Today was the day we went up to London for the Tour of the Harry Potter Studio. It was amazing! To see everything so up close and personal, to touch the things the actors have touched, to see the exact clothes they wore... Honestly jaw-dropping! So now I guess I really have to write about everything I saw, which would be completely draining as I am so tired already... I have to though. This is also something to do while the pictures load on Facebook!

To begin with, the tour starts in the queue! This is where you see the first thing from the movies. The cupboard under the stairs. On the shelf inside are the figures Harry played with, and the first ever pair of spectacles he wore in the movies. They are tiny! Then you are moved into this little room to see how Harry Potter shaped the world, boooring! Then we were put in a little cinema to be introduced to the tour by Rupert, Daniel and Emma themselves... On a screen... It was great because at the end the screen lifted up and there in front of us were the doors to enter the grand hall... Stunning! 

In the main hall were the costumes and tables and everything used at some point in the play, a tour guide said some words then we were free to roam the rest of the studios as we wanted. We saw so many things, like the costumes from the Yule Ball, the table pieces from the different festivals, the make up, wigs, dresses, the wall covered in new rules made by Umbridge. Even the boys dorm was free to wander into, and Hagrid's Hut, The Weasleys kitchen.

I rode a broomstick! NO JOKE! Green screen and everything! Dressed as a wizard. It was amazing! I even got the picture! Will scan it on and post it!

We rode in the Weasley's flying car too! Got that picture as well! The queue was an hour long!

No lie it was an amazing day and made even better by the fact I got back together with an old boyfriend last night, I haven't spoken to him in nearly a year, his new girl had issues, and we started talking again about two weeks ago. His name is Jacob, remember him? My guy in Colorado? Yeah, its amazing... We've been up talking till the early morning every night! I love it, Then when I wake up in the morning, he is still online and we talk some more, its like falling asleep with him there, and then waking up to him too... I love it!

Anyway, Mum wants a cup of tea... Bye!
Sophie Eleonore. xx

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Very Long, Only Half Over, Weekend

So much to write about, even though it was only a few days ago since I last wrote! However, before I do tell you about the events of my rather long weekend, I'm sick. Don't expect this to make much sense, but I'll try... Plus the layout has changed, I'm trying to figure it out.

For starters on Friday, I went into my old school for the last time to say good-bye to all my old friends for the last time. It was a great day, but I got called some appalling names (f*cking American scum was one of them), had food thrown at me and wasn't welcomed back. One class the teacher threw a fit and wouldn't let me in, even though Nadia (my best friend, also the girl I was shadowing) wasn't in her class. So, I got put in a class full of people I don't talk to, to play with maggots. 

It was amazing to see all my old friends again, I missed them all so much, I got millions of hugs from all of them because, I hate to say it, I'm probably never going to see any of them again. Which I hate. They're probably reading this too... I love you guys, and I miss you already. I know I won't forget you, and if I do, it won't be until I'm old with Alzheimer disease...

So that was the events of my Friday. Saturday, I was supposed to have a Brit come over for the night, but as usual, her plans changed. Again. She said she would still come, I told her not to bother. I couldn't be bothered with that sh*t. So I invited my Tayvee over! She is beautiful! We made a massive nest on the floor in my room and curled up to watch some movies together, but Latavia fell asleep, bless her!

Today we went into Huntingdon. I have to find a dress for my Step-Dads retirement ceremony... It's so difficult, it can't be too short, or too colorful, but then if it is too long and too plain it's no good either... I found a beautiful dress after trying millions on. Its black, with white polka dots. It has a high neck line, and 3/4 length sleeves. No shape at all in it. However, I have a thick red belt. If I were to wear that with it, it would be stunning! However, mum didn't buy if for me, she says  we have to keep looking because we might find and even better one, but I'm already in love with that one...

So you're all probably wondering about the title of this blog, its a Sunday, yes, but how is her weekend only half over? Well, you see I'm not in school again until Thursday! I'm going to the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London tomorrow! It's sort of a last outing with my Nanna, it's also her birthday present from us, she LOVES Potter. 

Then on Tuesday I have a science field trip to go on, yes it's school related, but its another day out in London, walking around a museum with my besties! Which means no work! Apart from the one work sheet I will have to fill out, but oh well! Following the trip on Tuesday, It is a teacher training day on Wednesday, resulting in me not attending classes again until Thursday. Woow!

Gunna be a laid back week!
SophieEleonore. xx

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm Trying So Hard Now!

So... Hey Again! Guess who is trying super hard to update extra regularly for missing so long...? That's right! Lil' old me! Even though I'm not that little, not that old, but I'm sure as can be, me. Deal with it.

I'm in a surprisingly good mood at the moment, its great. I've just been on my trampoline for the first time in FOREVER. and I love it! going to be my thing every night again soon... If I can sort all my homework out. Not long left now though! Two months in England! Wow! Only 30 days left in school before I have the month off to prepare my escape over seas. I don't think of it as an escape. I'm going to miss England so much. But when you've always wanted to travel... You want to get out there as early as possible!

Teachers just love to pile up the homework on the first few days back, don't they! Today I got given two packets, one essay, a speech, a set of notes and a Venn diagram to complete by Thursday. That's an awful lot of work to do! Thankfully the essay will be really easy and I did all of the notes and half the Venn diagram in class. Just leaves the packets to do and I should be able to do those and the essay in seminar tomorrow if I buckle down and work hard on it... Who am I kidding! I'll be doing those at midnight tomorrow!

School is still so tiring, I come home on the first bus, get something to eat, then try not to fall asleep before dinner! It's so difficult, by Friday I'm going to be dying! However, on Friday I get to do something I've wanted to do for AGES! I'm going back to Sawtry Community College and visiting all my old friends! Then Saturday, hopefully one of my Brits will be spending the night! She'll be late, or she will cancel last second, but oh well, at least I have something planned! 

Running out of things to say now! What is this! I never shut up! Ever, and right now when I need something to say... Nothing, can't think of a single bloody thing! Communism. Pure communism. 

I have a field trip next Tuesday... 

I have the day off next Wednesday...

I'm done now I can't think of anything else to say...
Sophie Eleonore. xx

Monday, April 16, 2012

Done It Again...

So yeah, I've had everyone messaging me again saying o write another blog because I haven't in a while... Sorry guys, I guess I've just been preoccupied since I last wrote... A lot has happened and I have a lot to update you on. Relationship status, holiday with the dad, back in school again, report card... Yeah, just a list of things I can think of at this moment in time!

Relationship status. Johannes and I broke up. I hate it. I miss him so much but I guess I have to move on, I blew it. We were together for 5 months and three weeks almost exactly. It kills me now, every time certain songs start playing on the radio, or when I hug Elise (his sister, also my best friend) and she smells like him... I have to force back the tears. However, they're all being really great about it and help me keep my mind off him. 

The shock didn't hit me till a week after we broke up, Elise was talking about something funny he had done while we were in bad. I broke down right there and cried. Fortunately we were practising in the storage cupboard and There were only three of us in there. I was lucky that no one noticed. But that night I came home and cried till I fell asleep...

The holiday with dad was amazing! The week were away had possibly every kind of weather possible! Hail, rain, sun, sleet, cloudy... Everything but snow! During the trip we went down to Great Yarmouth twice. We ate a lot of junk food, went to the club on the site every night and spent A LOT of money on the dance machine... It was a great time, but i was very thankful to have a decent shower back when I got home! The ones on the site were exactly, hot? clean? powerful? Still, I'm going to miss taking the caravan out with my dad...

Back in school... Hm, was the first day back today and what can I say? I'm shattered! I had Art, Algebra 1 and PE. I used my seminar to finish off some art work. The result was amazing! I love the final piece. The colour scheme is red and black and the main theme is sign language and the study of the human hand. Its great. I drew my three initials. S.E.M. It looks amazing! Will have to post a picture at some point! 

Report card. My parents love scaring me with this. "Sophie. We got your report card through the post today..." "Oh no... How bad is it...?" "You've been slacking. A-'s. Not good..." Thank heavens they were just joking! I have straight A's still! For three quarters straight and I love it! It makes me feel great because I can keep it up!

Some how I have managed to bruise my ribs. They hurt so much and I can't move in certain ways. The runny thing is, I have no idea how I managed to do it! They just hurt so much and if I touch them it has to be with ice otherwise I'm hunched over with pain. The only time they don't hurt is when I'm sat down, so luckily I'm okay during classes. Walking from class to class hurts bad though, and on the bus... Its horrible. 

Thank you to everyone out there who reads this. I've had people I don't know messaging me, telling me that they love reading my blogs and I can put in words how happy this makes me! When I started writing it was just a little idea I got from watching a movie, but now that people actually read this, I feel its become a part of something. So, thanks guys! I will try to write as often as possible.

Love you guys!
Sophie Eleonore. xx