Sunday, August 14, 2011


Yayayayay! So it is 8.34am. I have been awake since about 4.30ish because I'm buzzing for tonight at Melissas house! :D We are going to the cinema, then we have pancakes to make (which I bought on the base so they'll be nomin'!) and i go some syrup to so they'll be fattening! Meh! Who cares, its summer holidays, and i can go to the gym again on Monday! Aha!

So, on a slightly less 'yayayay' moment, my fricking impetigo has come back. I get it on my lip and its really freaking annoying. Because it's there, you can't hide it or anything. URGH! I'm prone to it, so I get it a lot. Its only small, no bigger than a penny peice, but try walking around with a horrible yellow crusy scab on your lip. Yeah, its as horrible as it sounds. I hate this damn thing. And, because i wasn't expecting it, I left my cream at my mums place, so I can't use that till Monday. And I start school in two weeks! Eeeh! I hope it goes quickly...

I put some fake nails on yesterday, it feels really weird... I was trying to type on my phone and because I'm used to typing with the top of my fingers, nothing was coming out, and this is the first I've written on a proper keyboard, and its tingles because my fingers keep slipping off the keys.... Haha! Its funny! They keep falling off though, so i carry the glue in my pocket so I can stick them back on again... Mehehe!

Anyway, this feels too weird now...
SophieEleonore. xx

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