Sunday, February 12, 2012

Getting Better

Okay. So I know I'm totally not the best at writing every week, but at least I'm getting better. Honestly, I wouldn't be writing this if Yo hadn't reminded me. Thanks! 

So, life is really busy at the moment. Its Valentines day in two days and Dad and Cathy are getting married (YAY!). I have a whole bucket load of honours homework to do and no time to do it in... Essay after essay, and booklets to fill in and I have to read the Odyssey and other boring books and blergh! This quarter is going to be a mess! Hopefully will still be able to keep up my 4.0 GPA otherwise I'm going to die! I had that all last semester... I was so proud, and so was my mum, she posted it all over Facebook... The number of people congratulating me and telling me I'd be getting into posh universities was un-countable!

Yo and I are still going strong as ever! Our four months was six days ago, its great! He just recently got his eyebrow pierced and it looks AMAZING! I absolutely love it! Unfortunately he dropped out of band, the only class we had together to take Government, but that's totally understandable. 

Is it bad I'm running out of things to say already...?

Have I said anything about being in drama club? Probably not, well I am. We are doing a production of 'You're A Good Man - Charlie Brown'. I play Frieda. It's pretty cool. I have a few speaking lines and a little solo in one of the songs, but its nothing big or anything! Elise is Sally, she has an amazing voice! Its really quite something! She just gets nervous around people... Which is a shame, because she should show it off!

I'm getting side tracked. Later guys!
Sophie Eleonore. xx

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