Yes, that's a play on words. I'm mourning my sleep. Its 7am on a Monday morning and I am shattered! I have been up since six to do honours homework, which in reality only took me ten minutes... What is this?! Reading the Odyssey can be such a bore! I mean for real... This dude, is having so much bad luck in his boat, why doesn't he just walk home! Catch a ride from one island to the next and then just walk back to Ithaka! Damn, it isn't hard!
Just last night I came home from my weekend with dad. He was the one who reminded me to write this time! Aha, he said he was going to start checking more often as the move comes closer... I guess that means I should start writing more. Not making excuses but that probably won't happen in the next two weeks. Its the final rehearsals before opening night of 'You're A Good Man - Charlie Brown.' So yeah, writing a lot probably won't happen, because I won't be getting home from school till seven every evening and when I do it'll be shower time to get all the stage make-up off my face! It's coming along nicely now, got all my lines down, just going to work on my little solo part! It isn't at all that much, but Hey! at least I got one! Pahah!
I', finding it really funny how I have more to say in the morning on a Monday that I do in the evenings. My hands are starting to hurt form typing so much! But oh well, at least I'm getting this stuff down and not just thinking it!
I'm going to have a lot to be writing down this week, I have an essay due today that I finished up last night and I have another due on Friday! My English teacher's really gotta realize how much work she gives out. Hers isn't the only class we take! I have to do all the homework she gives me, all the homework for every other class I have and learn a Broadway musical. On top of that I want to be able to go out on the weekends to see my friends as there isn't much time left! It's Louisiana again now... Well, it's looking that way.. It started as Louisiana, then it was Colorado, then Texas, then Colorado, the Florida, now Louisiana again. Damn. I might as well say to people I'm living on a cloud of something!
Cotillion is on Saturday, but I'm not sure if I want to go or not... I mean, Saturday I was planning on dying my hair again for the production. The Sunday we have afternoon rehearsals again, 1 - 5 this time though. I don't even have a dress that I could wear for that... Maybe I can just skip, I'll dye my hair and see if Yo is planning on going, if he isn't we could have a lazy evening or something and watch movies, I don't know?
The following Saturday is the day after closing night, and the cast and crew of the production are having a party at Kemps place. (Kemp is our teacher.) However, I can't go. Mum made plans to take us down to Orpington to see family that day. So, I have to skip the after party for something I've worked really hard on these past six months. Yeah, I don't think it's all that fair either. But what mum says goes. There is no chance of me getting out of this one.
Half an hour now till I have to leave for school. It's quarter past seven. I don't have a long walk to my bus stop, two minutes-ish. Depends on the weather, if its icy, it takes me a while longer! I live a mile from the base gate, which is useful, because if I miss the bus, I still get to school on time. I can also just walk up to the base if I want to meet up with some friends. Its great! I can also stay after school and just walk home, because It's staying lighter for longer now, so I have until 6.30 before the sun starts to go down, which give me plenty of time to walk home.
One colour left to start of this paragraph, so I'm just going to ramble for a few until the size of it is sufficient enough to look like a decent paragraph. I'm going to open the curtains and see if the cows are back in the field at the end of the garden yet. I doubt they are... But I haven't looked in a while so they might be! Nope. They aren't, and it rained last night, joy! That means I'm going to have to wear a jumper today! Meh.
Well, that looks big enough!
SophieEleonore. xx