Sunday, October 16, 2011


Guys! Hey! Oh my gosh! I have been so busy at my new school I have had hardly anytime spare! Not because I have a lot of homework or anything, I do but, I am on the tennis team so I don't get home till a quarter to six every night! Then on Tuesdays its eight before I'm home because I do Club Beyond... Sometimes I can get home even later than that! Its brilliant, I'm so busy now and surprisingly its brilliant!

School is great, I know a bunch of people now, and the teachers are really nice. They use this program called Grade Speed, which is pretty much where the teachers put your grades in a computer and they put them online so you can access them at home. Its good because it shows where you need to work harder and everything... I have 6 'A's' and 1 'B'. Which I think is pretty good, though I would like to get that 'B' up to an 'A' quickly... My favourite subjects have to be Art, Band and PE. The Art teacher is really lovely! She lent me money so I could get my homecoming dress on a school trip! Its lovely! (I'll post a picture after the dance!) Band is great, though I can't reach some of the high notes on my flute, the teacher is really understanding and doesn't force you to try and get them, he gave me a piece which was lower (and easier) but I'm cool with that once I get this piece down I can try the harder part again... PE. Well... It is hard work, Run a mile once a month, push-ups, sit-ups... But we play Volleyball and Floor Hockey! I love it! I get so into it and the classes are mixed, so there are boys and girls which I think works better because then everyone is trying their best and we are getting really good results!

I just got back from a weekend away with the schools tennis team. We travelled to Brussels and played against two schools there, Brussels and S.H.A.P.E. I wasn't expecting to do very well, as I have only been playing a few weeks and I'm fourteenth in the rankings... However, I won two of the three games I played! It was great! Me and Tori played a game against Brussels which had to be cut sort after only four sets. We won 3-1. Then Bradley and I played a friendly against S.H.A.P.E and lost 3-8... But then Me and Courtney played against them again, and we beat the 8-4! It was a great success as they have a really good tennis team who practice non-stop. We left the school (here in England) super early just after 5am and drove all the way there, played for a few hours, got back on the coach and went to Pizza Hut! While we were in Pizza Hut, Bradley and I realized we had forgotten towels so we ran around IKEA getting lost at every corner with our tennis coach to get towels so we could shower once we had reached S.H.A.P.E. The girls stayed in the gym at the school and the guys spent the night in a corridor just outside the building.

Anywaay... Should post this now as it's been sat in editing for nearly a month.
SophieEleonoree. xx

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